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The Whole Rainy Stony Earth

Well here we go again. After 10 years my old WordPress blog which started life as a Windows Live Space, (remember them?), has had it's day. Oh what a joy to start again with a properly organised website with blog attached.

That aside and returning to the title of the blog, The Whole Rainy Stony Earth, is the title of one of my very first attempts at atmospheric, ambient soundscape as well as being a line from Examination At The Womb Door by the English poet Ted Hughes.

I find poetry an excellent source of inspiration particularly for track titles.

More recently I have been utterly fascinated by The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot.

So much so that it inspired my most recent work, Down Greenwich Reach.

(See the music page).

Here's the full Ted Hughes poem that inspired my track title:

Examination at the Womb-Door

Who owns those scrawny little feet? Death. Who owns this bristly scorched-looking face? Death. Who owns these still-working lungs? Death. Who owns this utility coat of muscles? Death. Who owns these unspeakable guts? Death. Who owns these questionable brains? Death. All this messy blood? Death. These minimum-efficiency eyes? Death. This wicked little tongue? Death. This occasional wakefulness? Death. Given, stolen, or held pending trial? Held. Who owns the whole rainy, stony earth? Death. Who owns all of space? Death. Who is stronger than hope? Death. Who is stronger than the will? Death. Stronger than love? Death. Stronger than life? Death. But who is stronger than Death? Me, evidently. Pass, Crow.

You can hear my track The Whole Rainy Stony Earth here on Bandcamp. It was the opening track of my first EP. It's still there as a Name Your Price, (including free), download Appropriate for my first blog I thought.

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