As well as being a very proficient guitarist, Mark attended Art College between 1975 and 1978 following a pre-degree Foundation Course in Art & Design in 1974.
He was already quite capable in figurative drawing and painting.
At that time figurative drawing & painting, literature, music and philosophy were the most important aspects upon which his creative output depended.
He had some grounding in Western Philosophy from his Foundation Course.
He was well read and was fascinated by the likes of Carl Jung, Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Rudolf Steiner, Herman Hesse, novelists such as Thomas Hardy, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jack Kerouac and poets such as Ted Hughes, T.S. Eliot and Allen Ginsberg.
He had also read a smattering of western philosophy and some eastern writing on Zen Buddhism and Hindu classics such as the Bhagavad Gita and The Upanishads.
In 2013 he received a free Ableton Live disk with a guitar amp he bought and soon discovered the joy and liberation of electronic music production. He had long been a fan of 90's electronica; Underworld, Orbital and more mainstream electronic dance music but he began his journey of discovery by blending field recordings with drones which allowed him to pick up some of the unfinished business from his youth. (Land Art, Environments & Conceptual Art had also fascinated him).
His audio explorations led him from an ambient, cinematic approach to dub-techno, and on to an ever developing personal style.
He remains convinced the visual art, literature, music and philosophy are just different faces of the same thing.
As well as a number of self-releases on Bandcamp he has also had work released by:
Hello Strange,
(a Russian Dub Techno label).
Shimmering Moods Records in Amsterdam.
and Energostatic Records in Kiev.
He regularly practices Transcendental Meditation which he learned in 1976.
Transcendental Meditation is a part of the Vedic tradition of India, stretching back several thousand years. It is the heart of the Yoga system, and an important part of Ayurveda (‘the ‘Science of Life’), the world’s most ancient system of natural healthcare and personal development.

Official Transcendental Meditation® website for the United Kingdom http://uk.tm.org/home
The Meditation Trust: https://www.meditationtrust.com/